Friday, March 19, 2010

Islands. Yeah. Islands.

SO, I found a sweet script that some guy made on the Unity forums. I actually contacted the dude and asked him for it specifically, and he pointed me to the right place. I'm glad he did, because it's freaking awesome. I had a few problems at first, as the package didn't contain a few things, and the controls were set to joysticks only. A few changes later and I had it working. NEXT, I changed the terrain up, because I wanted the character to be able to land. Bitches be cool - it stuffed up. When you collided with anything, it would add insane torque to the rigidbody and make it spin out of control. To counter that, I changed the angular drag from .05 to 10 and it works a treat now. Landing on dear sweet virtual mother earth works...except stopping doesn't really yet. SOON MY UNDERLINGS, SOON!
So there is an update. I could put images up, but images are for the imagination impaired.

Just kidding. Here is an actual image of what I am doing at the moment.

So I lied, that's not my image. Or did I/is it?

I'm tired.


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