Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Hey, this is my blog for my project pitch - Lantern Guy.

- Lantern Guy

Brief - 2.5D platformer. Some action, some puzzles.

The game takes place in around 6 panels, with each panel holding a unique puzzle to complete, plus enemies.

The main mechanic is the lantern the guy uses. It can be used to shine on surfaces, reflecting off them onto other areas of interest, or it can be used to club monsters.

Other uses may be to light fires, scare off enemies, or to move the perpetually scary being.

EVERY scene has the "Dark being" present. He does not allow the player to pass. Basically, the character gets too scared to move, and curls up, not willing to pass.

It's a simple platformer, with an interesting mechanic, and the ability to spread out.

With the 2.5D graphics, it means the lights can affect the 3D surfaces, using effects like Normal mapping. A bush in the back-ground may be 2D, but because of the normal mapping, it reacts to the light with a much better effect than it would in 2D.

The style will be slightly cartoony, but with a bit of mood. Think Mary Blair type shit.

Why should it be made? Well, it's not overly complex. The light reflection is the main component that needs polishing, and we DO have a proof of concept with that. It isn't fun yet, but it works.

So yes, make my game cause it's moody, you are independent, and EA would NEVER have the balls to make it!!

Fun? FUN??!? Fun is a construct of the establishment!! THIS IS ART!!

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